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Help us raise money

For participating in 5K FOR KIDS CANCER

Our story…

Our race will look a little different this year, but we CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP. Super excited about our Virtual 5K. For one, this means no one will be able to call me out for being the only adult to register for the "Fun Run" (what? how was I supposed to know it was only for kids?... whatever, I got a cool ISF backpack + some toys. and I still did the 5K). But more importantly, it means everyone can join me this year, regardless of where you live. Please join my team, run/slog/walk it out on Sept. 26 (or when you can), and raise donations! Don't want to "Fun Run"? Please still donate and spread awareness! Help us Beat, Grow, and Live – the Isabella Santos Foundation never ceases to inspire me and make incredible progress and support towards rare pediatric cancers.

Help us raise money for Isabella Santos Foundation


Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 11 Kristy Teskey $107.35
Oct 01 John & Bridget Stebbins Good luck!! Undisclosed amount
Sep 30 Ashley Stallings Thank you, Charlotte, for working hard to make such an impact! Undisclosed amount
Sep 23 Elisa $54.10
Sep 22 The Entire Guice Family Fly high and run fast $533.35
Sep 02 Anonymous $27.48
Aug 31 Anonymous $27.48
Aug 24 Anonymous $54.10
Aug 22 Anonymous $27.48
Aug 21 Tony and Erin "I feel like I'm running at an incredible rate." ~Lloyd Christmas Undisclosed amount